Our Solution
First, we conducted an audit of their home page, categories, and products.
The client gave us ownership over some of the updates: as a result we created a full document with many optimization ideas.
The site was created using HTML, CSS, Javascript technologies using Angular as a framework to organize the logic of their site regarding the User Interface layer.
We use different analytics tools such as the webpack bundle analyzer and new algorithms to improve the build process such as the brotli compression algorithm and best practices to improve site performance.
As a result of our work we achieved improvements in their metrics-objectives of page load speed. They went from failing 3/4 web vitals to passing ¾ , fulfilling the initial objective of the client, which was to improve these metrics and bring them to globally accepted values.
“Thanks to Commit Studio's optimization strategy, the client's web app has passed the site speed metrics. Their mobile home page has also passed for the first time, and the client is expecting the other pages to follow soon.”